The Norwegian Expedition that changed our life!

Guess what time it is, folks? No, it’s not Christmas; it’s adventure o’clock! This year, we threw caution to the wind and decided to conquer Norway. Let me tell you, planning this escapade was like trying to assemble IKEA furniture blindfolded – challenging, but with the promise of something amazing at the end.

Our ambition? Sky-high. Shooting for the stars, or more precisely, the Lofoten Islands – just a breezy 3,600 kilometers from Switzerland. No big deal, especially with a trusty Defender in tow.

The master plan? Island-hop from the lofty Lofoten and casually work our way south, ticking off our checklist before Switzerland even realizes we’re gone.

Spoiler alert: Life’s rebellious – seldom sticks to the plan. Sure, changing lanes might feel like an uncomfortable U-turn, but trust me, the detour? That’s where the real magic happens.

Now, let’s rewind to the cosmic beginning of this grand road trip saga.

As luck would have it, Christian had a bridge day thanks to Switzerland’s national holiday. So, we concocted a cunning plan: he and Nacho would set off five days ahead of our original departure date to squeeze every ounce of adventure from that extended weekend. The grand strategy? Embark on a road trip through Germany, eventually reaching Denmark, where they’d cozy up in an Airbnb while patiently awaiting my arrival by plane five days later.

Done and dusted!

Ah, those glorious five days at home, in a world ruled by ladies, starring Kali and Nala. Picture this: chick flick marathons, manicures (or should I say ‘mew-nicures’), and enough face masks to make even a spa jealous. We did it all, and we did it fabulously!

But, I have a little secret to spill – don’t tell the boys – the house felt strangely deserted without our two and four-legged dudes around. Shh, our tough girl image is at stake here!“

So, off went the dynamic duo, cruising through Germany, basking in some much-needed bro-time. On the first leg of their journey, they decided to lay their weary heads at Nürburgring. Nacho (or maybe more Christian) , being the motorsport enthusiast that he is, got a front-row seat to the iconic track. Talk about a room with a view!

On the second day of their adventure, as they ventured through the northern realms of Germany, a captivating panorama revealed itself. Their route unveiled scenic gems like the Wadden Sea, its vast and glistening waters extending as far as the eye could see, and the never-ending emerald-green dikes that painted a mesmerizing picture against the horizon.

A few days down the line, having savored some tranquil moments amidst the enchanting Danish woods, the hour had come for our joyous reunion in Denmark. With renewed spirits, we eagerly anticipated the next leg of our adventure, set to commence the following day as we made our way to Hirtshals, our gateway to Norway, via a ferry.

Have you ever ventured into the enchanting realm of Denmark? Let me tell you, my friends, it was a revelation, and it left me utterly spellbound. Perhaps I hadn’t done my homework thoroughly, but the Danish coastal landscapes were nothing short of a breathtaking surprise.

Picture this: Endless stretches of pristine, ivory-white sand beaches that seem to go on forever, adorned with majestic sand dunes and verdant beach grasses swaying gently in the breeze. The sea, oh the sea, stretched out before us in the most mesmerizing shade of blue, its waves whispering tales of maritime adventures. And if that wasn’t enough, towering lighthouses punctuated the coastline, casting their watchful beams far and wide.

Believe it or not, Denmark takes beachside parking to a whole new level. Ever heard of car beaches? Yes, you heard it right! Imagine a place where you can park your vehicle right next to the waves and soak up the sun in style. It’s like a beachy parking lot party, and to be honest, the vibe is nothing short of epic.

And let me tell you, the sight of our trusty Willy rolling onto that sandy stretch was something else. It was like a scene out of a music video: ‘They see me rollin’, they hatin’…'”

Rubjerg Knude Fyr

Trust me, Denmark was like stepping into a real-life postcard, an awe-inspiring spectacle that beckoned us to explore its coastal wonders. One of the spots that stayed in my head, next to the endless white beaches was Rubjerg Knude Fyr Lighthouse.

The Lighthouse That Moved Itself:

Rubjerg Knude Fyr stands out not only for its stunning coastal location but also for its incredible journey. Unlike most lighthouses that are firmly anchored in one spot, Rubjerg Knude Fyr is a lighthouse on the move!

Reason for Relocation:

The cool factor begins with the reason why the lighthouse had to be moved. It was initially built in 1900 on a sand dune overlooking the North Sea. However, the shifting sands of the coastal dunes posed a significant threat to the lighthouse’s stability. The relentless force of the sea wind was causing the dunes to move, and this threatened to bury the lighthouse under a mountain of sand.

The Daring Move:

In a daring engineering feat, Rubjerg Knude Fyr was relocated inland in 1968 to save it from being engulfed by the encroaching dunes. To accomplish this, the entire lighthouse was lifted from its original location and transported 70 meters (230 feet) away from the eroding cliff’s edge.

The Inevitable Fate:

Despite its dramatic rescue, Rubjerg Knude Fyr still faces an uncertain future. The relentless force of nature continues to push the sand dunes inland, and experts predict that the lighthouse will eventually succumb to the sands of time. So, when you visit, you’re not just witnessing a historic relocation but also experiencing a race against nature’s clock.


Norway, we’re on our way! Norge, vi er på vei!

The following morning, we boarded the ferry from Hirtshals to Larvik with the Color Line Ferry company, officially commencing our journey to Norway. Given that the ferry voyage was a relatively short four hours, we made the choice to keep Nacho comfortably settled in the car. One delightful aspect of the ferry experience was the thoughtful scheduling of visitation times for pets inside the vehicles, allowing us to steal a glance at Nacho enjoying a tranquil nap in the car.

Stepping off the ferry, we were greeted by a sky that looked like it had been dunked in a giant vat of blue paint and a sun that was beaming brighter than a Hollywood smile. We were on cloud nine, especially after hearing horror stories from a couple who had apparently spent six weeks in Norway under a never-ending rain cloud.

But, just as we were getting ready to bust out the sunscreen and sunglasses, the weather took a nosedive that would make a rollercoaster jealous. Those fluffy white clouds must’ve taken a speed course in gloominess because, within half an hour, they transformed into dark, ominous rain factories.

And let me tell you, the raindrops were like mini water balloons, falling from the sky with a vengeance. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse Christian, decided it was the perfect time for a pit stop for Nacho. Timing, my friends, was not on his side.

As the heavens unleashed their watery fury, Christian and Nacho ventured out. It was as if they’d walked straight into a surprise water balloon attack at a carnival, with raindrops pelting them from all angles. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but witnessing them soak up the rain like human sponges was akin to watching a sidesplitting scene from a slapstick comedy. I must admit, we didn’t find it funny in the moment, but recounting the story now has us all in stitches.

After enjoying what felt like a slumber party in a forest, and with the rain doing its best to catch up with us, we revved up our engines and set off on our epic journey to Lofoten. Our ambitious mission? Conquer the Lofoten Islands in just three days, relish a few days of bliss there, and then leisurely drift back down south through Norway.

Sounds like a stellar plan, right? Well, let me tell you, up to a certain point, our plans were riding high on cloud nine. But you know how life likes to play its favorite game of plot twists and surprises…

When embarking on a journey from Oslo to Trondheim, prepare to be enchanted by epic forests, breathtaking landscapes, and the moody allure of Norway’s wilderness. However, amidst this natural wonderland, there’s one absolute must-see: the legendary Big Silver Moose, also known as Stor-Elgen.

“Moose Wars: The Tale of Mac vs. The Silver Stunner”

In a whimsical clash of moose magnificence, Moose Jaw’s iconic “Mac the Moose”  which can be seen in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada faced off against Stor-Elvdal’s shimmering silver giant. What began as a rivalry for the tallest moose quickly turned into an antler extravaganza, with each side vying for the shiniest and most majestic title. Amidst calls for moose justice and dreams of a golden moose that never materialized, the epic Moose Wars concluded with Mac retaining his towering status and Stor-Elvdal’s silver moose earning the title of the world’s prettiest. It wasn’t just a battle of antlers; it was a tale of diplomacy, art, and a touch of sparkle in the world of moose supremacy. Moose on! 🦌✨

Trondheim: Where History and Nature Converge in Nordic Harmony

Although our visit to Trondheim was brief, we wholeheartedly recommend avoiding our mistake by planning more time to explore this charming city.

Trondheim, a city that effortlessly weaves together the rich tapestry of Norway’s history, vibrant cultural heritage, and stunning natural landscapes. Nestled along the Trondheim Fjord on Norway’s west coast, this enchanting city beckons travelers with its timeless charm and modern vitality.

Trondheim boasts a history that stretches back over a thousand years, making it one of Norway’s oldest cities.

As we made our way to the restaurant chosen for dinner, Nacho,, expressed his desire to explore the city and signaled that it was time for a break. Little did we know, this impromptu decision led us to a fortuitous stop right in front of Nidaros Cathedral.

Nidaros Cathedral, in Trondheim, is a Gothic masterpiece steeped in history. Built over a millennium ago on the burial site of King Olav II, it’s a symbol of Norway’s identity and royal tradition. With its stunning Gothic architecture, intricate sculptures, and the famous Nidaros rose window, it’s both a place of worship and a cultural attraction. Visitors can explore its rich history through guided tours and enjoy its significance in Norwegian culture and religion. Nidaros Cathedral is a must-visit for its historical, architectural, and spiritual importance, reflecting Norway’s enduring heritage.

Yet, this city has an abundance of treasures waiting to be discovered. Stroll through its charming streets and admire the 18th-century wooden wharves, gracefully lining the Nidelva River, adorned with picturesque, colorful houses. Don’t miss the Archbishop’s Palace Museum, a cultural gem that beckons with its rich history and captivating exhibits”And rest assured, the culinary scene here is equally impressive.

Oh, and speaking of food, if you’re craving an absolutely delectable vegan burger, you simply must give Hagen a try. It ranks among the finest burgers we’ve ever savored, an absolute taste sensation.


We keep on rolling… well, sort of, especially when we decided to spice up our journey by taking a ferry from Leirfjord to Utskarpen. Picture this: dark, smooth water, deep fog hanging onto the fjord—like a mysterious Instagram filter for Mother Nature. This short ferry ride turned out to be the unexpected highlight of our adventure.

Now, let me break it down for you. We’re outdoorsy folks, always envisioning the perfect camping spot with a view to die for, impeccable weather, a crackling fire, and campfire songs that could make a rock cry. Just kidding – our singing abilities are more like a cat’s serenade. Back to the story – the perfect wild camping spot. Well, turns out, on a fjord, “wild” and “free” spaces are about as common as a sunbathing polar bear.

So, armed with our determination and GaiaGPS, we scoured every “road” it suggested. Eventually, we found ourselves in the backyard of a farm. Now, if you didn’t know before, let me drop some knowledge – Norwegians are not only nice but also fluent in English. Christian, being the smooth talker that he is, approached the farmer and asked for a spot to crash for the night. And, oh boy, did he deliver!

Life lesson learned: When in doubt, ask a the locals.

Guided by his directions, we eagerly followed the path to his favorite spot, lured by the promise of a serene, solo adventure with an awe-inspiring view just above the tree line. We were hooked!

Now, let’s circle back to that tree line detail. Living in Switzerland, we’re accustomed to it hovering between 1800 and 2200 meters. Norway, however, has its own unique charm, and the tree line dance is no exception. Ascending for roughly 20 minutes, we finally arrived at the spot he raved about. A pristine, crystal-blue lake embraced by craggy mountains unfolded before us. The view? Absolutely phenomenal!

As we dug into dinner, we couldn’t help but notice the sky transforming into a palette of darker shades—like fifty shades of dark, to be precise. Suddenly, the thunder decided to crash the party, and the wind cranked itself up a few notches. While we were all set to head upstairs for a cozy night’s sleep, a collective memory hit us like a lightning bolt – that wild night in Scotland where we couldn’t even spell our names because the car was playing Twister and the wind was doing its best monster impression. Talk about a gusty déjà vu!

But you know us, we never arrive at a party without a plan. Muahahaha! So, sensing an adventure, we decided to relocate the party downstairs.

Now, Christian, being the MacGyver of the situation, already constructed an “emergency bed” prior to our journey. Supposedly, it’s ready for a cozy slumber in just a few minutes. In theory. Mind you, we never got around to practicing this genius creation.

For those unfamiliar with a Defender, let me paint a clearer picture. The available space in a Defender is somewhat limited, especially when you factor in the additional 22 KG contributed by Nacho. But hey, thank our lucky stars, we’re hobbits compared to other beings.

So, the grand emergency bed setup commenced. We tried. Oh, how we tried. Christian, usually the epitome of organization, was on a mission. However, for the love of his life (that’s me, by the way), he couldn’t locate the screws we desperately needed. After a while, amidst the wind and thunder providing the soundtrack, ta-da! We found the elusive screws!

Next up, the mattress. Picture this marvel: a mattress that, once unrolled, magically inflates itself. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, reality had other plans. Now, you see, our supposedly self-inflating mattress decided to take a vacation from its duties. Left high and dry, we faced the daunting task of blowing it up ourselves. Cue the unexpected camping anthem: “Can you blow my whistle, baby?” In the middle of the night, there we were, channeling our inner human air pumps, serenading the great outdoors with a melody that surely wasn’t on the forest’s playlist. Because, you know, when the mattress gives up, you’ve got to find your own rhythm, one breath at a time.

And finally, the majestic moment arrived – we gracefully collapsed onto our improvised bed. Now, I won’t pretend it was a five-star experience; squeezing two adults and a dog in between is more like attempting to solve a cozy puzzle. But hey, this is the great outdoors – where comfort takes a backseat, and adventure rides shotgun.

However, plot twist! Just a few hours into our wilderness escapade, we found ourselves tiptoeing back upstairs. Why, you ask? Well, turns out, the storm that we expected to be the star of our night had other plans. It gracefully pirouetted around us, leaving our little camping haven untouched. Mother Nature, it seems, decided to play a prank on our camping expectations.


Towards Bodø

As we traversed the scenic route toward Bodø, nature unveiled its grandeur in a breathtaking spectacle. The landscape transitioned seamlessly, treating us to vistas that read like a page from a travelogue. Crystal-clear blue waters sparkled in the sunlight, inviting us to linger and soak in their pristine beauty. Glaciers, majestic and serene, made a profound statement as they gracefully descended towards the ocean, leaving us awe-inspired at nature’s artistic prowess. Snow-kissed peaks stood proudly along the beach, forming a picturesque backdrop that seemed almost too perfect to be real. The drive towards Bodø became more than just a journey; it was a cinematic odyssey through Norway’s captivating tableau. Every bend in the road revealed a new panorama, a fresh masterpiece painted by the hand of Mother Nature.

The water beckoned us with such allure that we couldn’t resist taking the plunge. Well, to be precise, Christian embraced the call of the sea with a full-fledged swim, while Nacho and I opted for a more cautious approach, ensuring only our kneecaps ventured into the chilly embrace. Come on, cut us some slack! That water was practically auditioning for an ice bath – refreshing, yes, but not exactly tropical temperatures!

After a drive filled with scenic wonders, the inevitable hunger pangs struck, prompting us to seek out a culinary haven. And when in Bodø, the Gatsby bar is a must-visit. Renowned for their delectable burgers and exceptionally tasty beer, it’s a gastronomic experience that perfectly complements the scenic delights of the journey.

Lofoten, hold on tight – we’re crashing the scene! Following a thrilling 3-hour-and-15-minute ferry ride (Nacho’s beauty nap included), we finally landed on the Lofoten Islands. So, what’s the lowdown on this picturesque paradise? Brace yourself for a) a bustling tourist swarm, b) an expansive canvas of vivid blue skies and blazing sunshine, and c) winds so intense, walking turned into an Olympic sport. Welcome to the wild Lofoten rollercoaster! 🌊☀️

Lofoten, a realm of contradictions and natural marvels, orchestrates a symphony where thriving local communities dance with awe-inspiring landscapes. Mountains cozy up to the sea, while local businesses and recreational pursuits share the same heartbeat. Lofoten’s true enchantment lies in its knack for seamlessly blending everyday life with a worldwide admiration for its unspoiled beauty – a feat recognized by National Geographic, labeling it one of the planet’s most enthralling destinations.

Perched just above the Arctic Circle at the 68th northern parallel, Lofoten transforms into a celestial stage in summer, bathed in the enchanting glow of the Midnight Sun. As the seasons shift, the spectacle evolves, treating both locals and visitors to the mesmerizing dance of the Northern Lights from September to April. Amidst this extraordinary setting, Lofoten unravels its distinctive allure, where the ordinary mingles with the extraordinary, and nature’s wonders command the spotlight.

The wind roared like there was no tomorrow, making it challenging to keep our eyes open and fully absorb the beauty of Lofoten. Pausing every five minutes (because, let’s face it, everything is ridiculously amazing!), Christian ventured across the road to capture the beauty of a bridge connecting two fjords. Meanwhile, at the car, my attention shifted to a resilient lady wrestling with her bike. Her hands, stained by the bike chain, struggled against the forceful wind as she grappled with the fallen bike. Two guys, unfortunately, found humor in her struggle, sitting comfortably and laughing. It infuriated me! How could they stand idly by when someone clearly needed help?

Driven by empathy, I approached her, asking in English if she needed assistance. Hailing from France, she shared her journey from Nordcap to Lofoten on her bike. Knocked off twice by the relentless wind, she bore bruises on her ribs, open wounds on her hands and knees. Sending a signal to Christian, we joined forces to fix her bike (a simple issue – the chain had slipped). We then cleaned and bandaged her wounds, offering water and soap for her hands and legs.

This story isn’t about seeking praise; it’s a call to action. It’s a reminder that simple acts of kindness can mean the world to someone in need. In the face of adversity, extending a helping hand can create a ripple effect of compassion and support.

When mapping out our Norwegian escapade, we resolved to take a different approach than our meticulously planned Scottish adventure. Although Scotland treated us to an incredible experience, our route was practically set in stone with Airbnb reservations every 2-3 nights. So, when the idea of Norway came knocking, we decided to ditch the pre-scheduled life. Our mantra? Book accommodations only in the cities linked by ferries, streamlining the morning routine and, of course, for our stint on the bustling Lofoten, where the word on the street was that camping spots would resemble sardine cans.

Despite the multitude of cars dotting some rather unconventional parking spots (ones that wouldn’t quite cut it for us – who fancies a night’s rest by a bustling road?), luck was on our side. We stumbled upon this incredible spot boasting pristine showers, a surf school, and an unparalleled view of the ocean accompanied by the most breathtaking sunset. What more could one ask for?

Like the multitude of tourists, our sights were set on conquering the REINEBRINGEN hike. Standing at a humble 448 meters, Reinebringen may not be the loftiest peak on the Lofoten islands, but its iconic summit view more than compensates for its modest height. With its easy accessibility (only 1556 steps! Haha) from Reine and a steady influx of social media snapshots, Reinebringen has earned its stripes as one of the most sought-after hikes on Lofoten, attracting hundreds of adventurers daily during the summer season.

As we approached, the scene mirrored the anticipation we’d witnessed the day before – a filled parking space resembling a puzzle with cars jigsawed even onto the side of the main road, ushering in a bit of chaos. Well, faced with what looked more like a Black Friday queue for Apple than a leisurely hike, and factoring in the gusty wind that nixed any drone-flying plans, we made the call to give Reinebringen a miss. Sometimes, the charm lies in avoiding the crowds and savoring a more relaxed adventure.

And so, we set out towards the area where our Airbnb awaited us for the next three nights. The landscapes we encountered along the way were nothing short of awe-inspiring. Eager to explore every corner of the island, we ventured down every road we stumbled upon, enjoying a sunlit lunch by a beach where we marveled at surfers riding the waves between the fjords. Surfing in Lofoten—definitely not what typically comes to mind (Hawaii or Australia, anyone?). But witnessing people conquer the waves in this unique setting was a truly unforgettable sight.

Our journey led us to Unstad Arctic Surf Beach, where three defenders welcomed us. With no concrete plans for the next steps, we found ourselves scrutinizing the map when one of the guys approached and offered us their camping spot as they were departing soon. Grateful for the offer, we declined, planning to drive on shortly. After he left, Christian turned to me and asked, “Did that guy look familiar to you?” His face triggered a recognition, though I couldn’t quite place it.

Choosing to explore further, we decided to check out the restaurant to see if they had any vegan options. To my absolute delight, they not only had vegan options but also offered Norway’s Best Kanelboller (Cinnamon buns)! I was in Kaneboller heaven!

Unstad Arctic Surf

Indulging in our vegan cinnamon buns, savoring the most incredible view of dark green peaks, blue waters, and the sun casting its glow through the mountain crests, it finally dawned on us who we had been conversing with back at the camp.

Hi Axel! We will grab a beer next time! Pinky promise

By the way, check out his Insta Profile for some really cool pictures.

Follow on Instagram –> Axel | Overlanding | Travel

Now, let me paint the picture of our Airbnb for you. A wooden cabin, adorned with a wall entirely made of glass, offering a breathtaking view of the fjords. With nearby restaurants and the opportunity to embark on a thrilling canyoning adventure in a glass canoe, it was a unique experience. The cozy bed and fireplace inside just added to the overall “wow” factor.

Our days in Lofoten unfolded with spontaneous explorations, cruising without a concrete plan, immersing ourselves in nature’s beauty, basking in the sun, and taking leisurely walks with Nacho. His progress has been a joy to witness. The first encounter with the sea was in Scotland, where he seemed perplexed by the approaching waves. Now, he’s a seasoned pro, joyfully playing in the water, dashing towards the waves. Witnessing his sheer happiness on the beach warms our hearts.

Being close to Henningsvaer

Henningsvær, nestled 25 km from Svolvær, is a captivating collection of small islands linked by picturesque bridges. Strolling through its streets, I could easily envision us calling this place home. The cozy small-town charm, adorned with old wooden houses, one-of-a-kind boutiques, cafes, restaurants, and art galleries, all set against the backdrop of the sea and towering jagged mountains, had an irresistible allure.

Despite its size, Henningsvær emanates a surprisingly urban and hipster-like vibe. It’s often dubbed “Lofoten’s Grünerløkka” (Grünerløkka being a hipster area in Oslo), thanks to its trendy cafes, restaurants, and shops showcasing locally crafted products. Even if the name Henningsvær doesn’t ring a bell, you might have glimpsed its famous football field in pictures—a spectacular spot right by the sea, nestled amidst towering mountains. It easily qualifies as Norway’s most renowned and scenic football field.

Feeling those hunger pangs? Well, so were we, and if you’re on the lookout for an extraordinary pizza experience, look no further than Trevarefabrikken. Now, let’s talk about Steinbruddet Pizza, a culinary concept that invites you to feast your eyes on the Arctic Ocean and Lofoten’s alpine mountains while relishing a Neapolitan-style pizza. Baked in their very own firewood oven, crafted from recycled bricks of the factory’s original chimney, these pizzas are a testament to freshness, handmade with care from start to finish. A delectable blend of flavors and a view that elevates your dining experience.

Their vegan Pizza is with artichoke cream, oyster mushrooms, miso garnish, garlic garnish, radish, fresh parsley, and chili oil—all harmonizing in perfect pizza bliss.

Established in the 1940s, Trevarefabrikken in Lofoten once served as a carpentry and cod liver oil factory. In 2014, a group of friends on a spontaneous climbing holiday stumbled upon the old factory, captivated by its industrial details, panoramic views of the Lofoten mountains rising from the sea, and its rich history. Intrigued, they purchased the building with a vision to create a hub for cultural exchange in the local community.

Over time, the factory has undergone a gradual transformation into a dynamic cultural space, featuring local food and drinks, an oceanfront sauna, and comfortable rooms for a restful night’s sleep. Today, it stands as a natural gathering spot for the entire region, boasting a restaurant, café, fjord-view sauna ,cozy rooms, yoga facilities, and a diverse array of cultural events.

So you really have to give this place a chance!

If you’ve somehow stumbled into the Defender Community (or, as Insta would put it, you’ve been initiated into the cult of cool Defenders), you know the drill. There’s always that one person with the epic Defender, or that couple doing some wild things with their Defender, and before you know it, you’re clicking that follow button, becoming a silent passenger on their journey. And hey, who knows, maybe you’ll cross paths with some fellow Defender enthusiasts along the way.

So, there we were, on the Defender trail, hunting for lunch, when Christian dropped the bomb that a globetrotting Brazilian couple, roaming the world for years, was also in Lofoten. Cue his excitement levels skyrocketing. My cautious comment? “Well, don’t get your hopes up; Lofoten is pretty darn big.”

Oh, the irony! Just 20 minutes later, guess who we spot, already set up for a chill day of camping? You guessed it’s the Brazilian duo. Now, for those familiar with us, Christian’s all for striking up conversations with strangers, while I’m more of a “keep-to-myself” type. But, in a Fast and Furious twist, Christian whips the Defender around, heading straight for their camp. “Maybe we’re disturbing them!” I nervously mutter to Christian, but as soon as they hear that unmistakable Defender engine, a head pops up, and we’re welcomed with open arms. Enter Projecto Mundocao—Sergio and Eleni. And let me tell you, it was love at first sight!

Follow on Instagram –> Projeto Mundo Cão (@projetomundocao)

What was meant to be a quick meet-and-greet turned into the most unforgettable journey and adventure we could have ever dreamed of. Spoiler alert: no lunch for us. Instead, as is the ritual in the Defender community, we found ourselves inspecting each other’s Defenders, discussing sleeping arrangements, shower setups, cooking, and everything in between.

Now, for those unacquainted with Sergio and Eleni, they have a unique mission on their travels. “Projeto Mundocão,” translating to “World Dog Project” in English, sums up their goal—to feed street dogs in every place they visit. With a wealth of experience with dogs, they exhibited incredible patience with Nacho, despite his usual dislike for strangers. I can’t help but wonder where he gets that from! (Haha)

In the midst of our chat, the topic shifted to our plans for the following day. Given the massive Storm Hans wreaking havoc in the southern part of Norway—broken dams, fallen trees, and closed main roads—we had to scrap our initial idea of heading back south. That’s when Sergio casually threw in a game-changer: “Hey, let’s go to Nordkapp!”

Although we’d entertained the thought before, our initial response was a swift “no.” After all, Nordkapp was still a whopping 900 km away from Lofoten, and at some point, reality dictated that we had to make the journey back home. However, instead of an outright refusal, we suggested spending the next few days together. Sergio also mentioned meeting a couple from Austria with a green Defender, a sighting that had eluded us until then. So, with a heartfelt goodbye after five hours of conversation, we decided to backtrack to Henningsvaer for dinner and another round of drone adventures, promising to meet with them the next day.

As we made our way towards Henningsvaer, you won’t believe who we stumbled upon in a parking spot—cue the drumroll! It was the green Austrian Defender! Strangely, there were no signs of its human companions. So, after relishing a vegan burger at Klatrekaffen, we set off on a quest to chase the sunset.

After satisfying our need for shots—drone shots, camera shots—we called it a night and headed back to our Airbnb. As we passed the parking place where we had spotted the green Defender earlier, guess what? A couple was standing right next to it. They looked at us and said, “Did you guys meet the Brazilian guys today?” Well, what can I say, we connected.

Follow on Instagram –> Meet Lea and Sam, aka Max the Defender

As it turns out, Lea and Sam were not even supposed to be in Norway. Their holiday plan was to travel to Sweden, but the storm reached them as well, so they decided to come to Norway instead.

“And when in Norway, go to Nordkapp” was their motto, but we were not yet convinced.

Until now, we had been fortunate with the weather on the Lofoten. However, the morning brought a change, and the upcoming forecast didn’t promise much improvement. While packing, Christian and I discussed our plans for the next days. As solo travelers with our own set of habits—stopping every two minutes for pictures or driving for hours without a break—we never experienced a holiday with a larger group. Yet, by the time we reached the spot where Sergio and Eleni were waiting for us, a decision had been made!

Expedition Nordkapp! Aka Expedition BC

And thus, we embarked on our joint journey towards Nordkapp, initially harboring some doubts about our choice. However, it didn’t take long for us to realize that driving in a convoy was actually quite enjoyable. Our first destination: Senja. Finding a camping spot for one Defender can be challenging at times, but for three Defenders? Haha, a game changer! Fortunately, we were in the wild camping paradise, and we managed to discover a fantastic spot for all three of us, surrounded by an enchanting forest where we were greeted by wolves! Yes, you read that right! And let me tell you, Nacho was quite eager to join in the howling.

Tucked away in the northern reaches of Norway lies Senja, the kind of place that makes you question whether you’ve stumbled into a fairytale or just found the best-kept secret in Scandinavia. It’s like Mother Nature herself decided to show off a bit and threw in a dash of her finest fjords, mountains, and quaint villages for good measure.

Picture this: You’re cruising along Senja’s winding roads, the scenery changing from lush greenery to dramatic coastal cliffs faster than you can say “Skål!” And just when you think it can’t get any more Instagram-worthy, you stumble upon Bergsbotn, a viewing platform that’s basically nature’s way of saying, “Hold my aquavit.”

Perched on the edge of the world (well, the northwest edge of Senja, but close enough), Bergsbotn offers up a panoramic feast for the eyes. You’ve got the Bergsfjord on one side, the Bergsbotten mountain range on the other, and in between, you’ll spot the charming village of Bergsbotn, home to a whopping 60 residents who probably have the best views in town.

But wait, there’s more! Head over to Tungeneset, where even the picnic areas have Nordic flair. This wooden walkway, lovingly crafted from Siberian larch wood, feels like something straight out of a Scandi-chic Pinterest board. And the views? Well, let’s just say you’ll be torn between snapping pics of the Norwegian Sea to the west and the ominous yet captivating Devil’s Jaw mountain range to the north.

Nestled within the majestic embrace of the Ersfjord lies Ersfjordstranda beach, a hidden gem that defies all expectations of Norwegian coastline. Here, the sand is so fine and white, you’d swear you were lounging on a tropical paradise instead of in the rugged embrace of Scandinavia. And if the breathtaking scenery alone doesn’t have you reaching for your camera, the allure of a gold-plated toilet surely will. After all, when faced with such opulence, how could we resist the urge to immortalize the moment with a bathroom selfie? Ah, the glamorous life of beachgoers in Norway!

Next on our way : the classic case of “Insta vs. Insta-reality.”

Expectation: A breathtaking roundtrip around Senja, embracing the beauty of nature.

Reality: Road closed. Senja, playing hard to get, huh? Life, you sneaky little trickster.

You know the saying, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? Well, we decided to take a slightly different approach—pizza! That’s right, pizza night became the highlight of our camping experience at one of the most picturesque spots on our journey so far. Nestled by the fjord, this campground offered not only a perfect setting for indulging in cheesy goodness but also unparalleled views of the Midnight Sun and the vast expanse of the open sea. On one side, the majestic Lyngen Alps towered over us, while on the other, Kåfjord stretched out in all its splendor. And if that wasn’t enough, a glimpse to the north revealed the enchanting islands of Arnøya and Nord-Fugeløy. It didn’t even matter that it took forever to make the pizza—dinner ended up being served at 1 AM. Is it still dinner at that point, or should we call it a pre-breakfast? But let me tell you something, it was absolutely delicious! Or as the Italians would say: Mamma mia!

I really have to say that for us, the part from Senja to Nordkapp was the Norway we have pictured it. Endless landscapes, wild animals, the Nordic Sea—this stretch of our journey embodied the essence of what we imagined Norway to be.

Leaving behind the enchanting island of Senja, with its rugged coastline and charming villages, felt like stepping into a scene from a postcard. As we navigated northward, the scenery unfolded in a grandeur that exceeded our wildest expectations. Towering mountains stood sentinel over vast expanses of untouched wilderness, their snow-capped peaks piercing the cerulean sky. Rolling hills, cloaked in a tapestry of emerald green, stretched out as far as the eye could see, interrupted only by the occasional shimmering fjord cutting through the landscape like a silver ribbon.

But it wasn’t just the landscapes that captivated us—it was the sense of solitude and serenity that enveloped us as we journeyed through this remote corner of the world. Unlike more popular tourist destinations, where crowds can detract from the natural beauty, the roads from Senja to Nordkapp offered a rare opportunity to immerse ourselves in the untamed wilderness of the Arctic. Here, the only sounds were the gentle hum of the wind and the occasional cry of a seabird soaring overhead.

And then there were the encounters with wildlife—moments that left us breathless with wonder. From reindeer grazing by the roadside to majestic sea eagles circling high above, each sighting felt like a glimpse into a world untouched by time. These chance encounters added an extra layer of magic to an already unforgettable journey, reminding us of the incredible diversity of life that thrives in this harsh yet beautiful landscape.

71°10′21″ “Nordkapp”

As we journeyed kilometer by kilometer, inching closer to Nordkapp, I’ll admit, our expectations were modest at best. Countless travelers we encountered along the way had regaled us with tales of disappointment, their Nordkapp experiences shrouded in fog and rain. But hey, as the saying goes, “expect nothing, and you’ll never be disappointed,” right? Well, Nordkapp decided to throw us a curveball, believe it or not. We actually had a clear view over the Arctic Sea! Okay, it lasted a whole ten minutes, but hey, we’ll take what we can get, right? We soaked in the landscapes around us and then…well, let’s just say we got a firsthand look at the great abyss of nothingness that follows.

I once came across a quote that said, “A true voyager must visit Nordkapp, the North Cape, at least once in their lifetime.” These days, reaching Nordkapp is easier than ever, but that sense of standing at the edge of the world remains. And let me tell you, it’s absolutely true! Nordkapp—three Defenders parked side by side, our spirits soaring, and an indescribable feeling of pure wonder.

At 71°10′21″ Nordkapp stands as the northernmost point of Europe, jutting 307 meters high above the Arctic Ocean. This iconic cliff has served as a navigational beacon for sailors for centuries, alongside other famed capes like the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn. Formerly known as Knyskanes, Nordkapp holds a rich history, with the Sami culture flourishing here for over 2000 years.

When you search Nordkapp on Google, the first images you’ll come across are likely of the iconic Nordkapp Globe. This spherical sculpture, positioned near the cliff’s edge, stands as a powerful symbol of humanity’s unyielding curiosity and relentless pursuit of exploration, marking the northernmost reaches of our planet.

After snapping hundreds of photos before the rain and fog rolled in, we figured it was time to check out the tourist shop and grab a bite to eat. But here’s the spoiler alert: If you’re a vegan like me, make sure to pack your own snacks because there wasn’t a single vegan option in sight!

As we set out on our journey to Nordkapp, something unexpected happened along the way—we discovered that the real adventure was the bond we were forging together. Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, we found ourselves drawn not just to the destination, but to each other.

Destination: Finnland

So, with spirits high and laughter in our hearts, we made a spontaneous decision to extend our journey and set our sights on our next destination: Finland.

Little did we know, Finland would offer us not only its breathtaking landscapes and serene wilderness but also the warmth and hospitality of its people. From the tranquil forests of the south to the rugged wilderness of Lapland, we would embark on a journey of discovery, both of the land and of ourselves.

As we journeyed through Finland, the guys found themselves unexpectedly playing the role of mechanics, tasked with fixing Sergio’s lights. Surprisingly enough, the lights seemed to repair themselves… but hey, that’s a tale for another day.

And guess what? We made it to Santa’s village. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Welcome to Santa’s Village in Lapland, where Christmas dreams come true and unexpected surprises await around every corner! Located in Rovaniemi, the capital of Finnish Lapland. Rovaniemi is situated right on the Arctic Circle, making it an ideal location for experiencing the magic of the Arctic region and the enchantment of Christmas. As we wandered through the festive wonderland, soaking in the twinkling lights and merry atmosphere (In August), we couldn’t wait to meet the one and only Santa Claus.

But when it was finally our turn to sit on Santa’s lap and share our Christmas wishes, we received an unexpected revelation—we weren’t on his present list! Oops, talk about a plot twist! Looks like we’ll have to step up our game next year if we want to make the nice list. Well played, Santa, well played!

As the sun began to set on our unforgettable adventure, the bittersweet moment of farewell arrived. We reluctantly bid adieu, knowing that our journey homeward awaited. It’s true, the passage of time felt all too swift, leaving us yearning for just a few moments more.

Sweden on the horizon

And so, with Sweden on the horizon, we embarked on the next leg of our journey. It felt strange to leave the camaraderie of our convoy behind and venture forth alone, yet the promise of new landscapes and experiences beckoned.

As we traversed the Swedish countryside, we were greeted by a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes and serene lakes, accompanied by the warm hospitality of the locals

But of course, no adventure is complete without a few unexpected twists and turns.

Case in point: our quest for the perfect camping spot. Now, let me tell you, finding the ideal location for a night under the stars can be a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack. And let’s just say, our first attempt was, well, interesting to say the least.

Picture this: a seemingly idyllic spot with sweeping views and a sense of seclusion that would make any hermit jealous. But as we began to set up camp, a sense of unease crept over us like a cold breeze on a summer’s day.

And then, as if on cue, Nacho stumbled upon a rather ominous sight—a set of antlers, covered in blood, hidden amongst the foliage. Now, call us crazy, but that’s not exactly the kind of decor you want in your campsite.

Needless to say, we hightailed it out of there faster than you can say “deer in headlights.” Lesson learned: sometimes, trusting your gut is the best survival instinct of all.

But fear not, dear readers, for our misadventures were far from over. Just when we thought all hope was lost, we stumbled upon a hidden gem—a makeshift platform nestled among the trees, bathed in the eerie glow of an impending storm.

What began as a convoy of strangers transformed into an extraordinary bond, a fellowship of kindred spirits united by the call of adventure. It was as if fate had woven our paths together, and in each other’s company, we discovered the true essence of camaraderie.

From sharing stories by the campfire to culinary escapades in the „kitchen“ , from spontaneous dances under the starlit sky to off-key serenades along winding roads—every moment was etched with laughter and warmth. And who could forget our valiant attempts at embracing Norwegian tradition with the infamous brown cheese? Though it failed to win our palates over (apologies to the proud Norwegians), our Brown Cheese Expedition became emblematic of our shared journey, forever imprinted in our memories.

As we bid farewell to our newfound friends, we carry with us the indelible mark of this remarkable voyage. For in the tapestry of our lives, this adventure stands as a testament to the transformative power of connection and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

As one chapter ends, another begins—a fresh adventure awaits on the horizon. Stay tuned for what’s next—a journey brimming with excitement and boundless possibilities. Get ready to dive into uncharted territory, where each step forward promises new experiences and unforgettable moments. This is just the start of our epic expedition, and the best is yet to come.

Until then, let the echoes of our laughter and the warmth of our fellowship linger, as we cherish the memories of our Brown Cheese Expedition forevermore.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Schöne Bilder. Cooler Land Rover.
    Gruss Nils Reichlin

  2. Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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